
My deepest fear was of people judging me. To overcome that, I created The Pink Traveller in 2016. It combines my two passions – for creativity, beauty and style (hence Pink) and exploring the world (hence Traveller) into one creative outlet.

My blog is a true reflection of who I am – a mathematician who reads fashion magazines. A girl that loves giving advice more than people are willing to take it. I love backpacking but also luxurious goods; I study engineering but I am an artsy soul; I love reading but I mostly write.

On The Pink Traveller you can find my advice on pretty much anything – from fashion and beauty, to blogging and university, I want to help you achieve your full potential.

Last year was spent studying in Singapore on my year abroad. I did get some good grades but I also travelled. A lot. You can read my guides for Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar and so many more! I want to show you how you can get the most amazing experience from your travels and create unforgettable memories. Also, if you’re heading for a year abroad, read this post to get the most of it.

I strive to become a resourceful page for young girls (and guys) where they can find solid advice on how to improve every aspect of their life.

So, if you are interested and think we could be friends /or just have a little chat – I’d love to connect with you!